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The association of Southeast Asian nations is a regional grouping that promote economic political and security cooperation among its 10 members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, mayanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Asian countries have a population of nearly 640 millions people and a combined GDP of $ 2.57 trillion the group health spurred economic integration,signing six free -trade agreement withother regional economies.
 Yet exports se Akhiyan get export crc on cimpact is limited by lack of strategic vision diverging National properties priorities yet exports a essay on the impact of limited by lack of a strategic vision diverging National priorities in week released leadership the blocks biggest challenge is negotiating a unified approach to China particularly in response to its widespread Maritime claims in the South China sea.


Asian is shared by and annually rotating Presidency assisted by a secretariat based in Jakarta Indonesia decisions are reach through consultation and consensus guided by the principles of non interference in international affairs and the Peaceful resolution of conflict some experts see this approach to decision making as a chief drawback for the organisation them faces on consensus not lossing face and voluntourism has that the politics of the lowest common denominator has tended to prevail and difficult problems have been avoided rather than confronted wrights Mark Beeson, professor of international politics at the University of western Australia Perth in a 2016 general articles other expert say Asian has contributed to regional stability by building much-needed norms and fostering a neutral environment to address share challenges in Asia talking and relationship building is half the challenge to solving problems se bure he bought senior advisor and Deputy Director of the South East Asia program at the Washington based Centre for strategic and international studies in 1967 AC and United Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines Singapore and Thailand to try to reduce regional hostilities and to fight the potential threat of unist Let insurgencies at the height of the US war in Vietnam the five founding members South a community to promote political and social stability Amit pricing tensions among the Asia Pacific postcolonial states in 1976 the members signed the Treaty of Amity and cooperation emphasizing Asian promotion of peace friendship and cooperation to build solitary membership doubled by the early 90 1990 boosted in part of changing conditions following the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 at the cold war in 1991 with the addition of Pranay Vietnam Laos and Myanmar and Cambodia the group started to launch initiate tips to boost regionalism the members signed the ordeal in 1995 to create a nuclear free zone in south east asia committing to refrain from the use of nuclear weapons including on land and in Maritime territories.


ASEAN was established on August 8, 1937 in Thailand's capital, Bangkok, at the time, in this organization, Thailand was Indonesia Malaysia Philippines, Singapore was Brunei in 1984 and Vietnam was included in 1995, it was reunited and made part of Myanmar Kiss In 999, it was made its member in Cambodia, the first meeting of ASEAN in the net, whose agenda was peace and cooperation. The purpose of the Forum was to promote security. Its members are US-Russia India China Chain and members of North Korea. In 1992, India's ASEAN Regional Dialogue Partner and New China also tried to make him a member of ASEAN Malaysia. In the meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, a decision was taken on economic policy in which all the member countries decided to make an economic community It was also made on December 31, which is bound by several agreements.

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